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Attract What You Want in The Present Moment

One of the reasons we fail to attract what we want is that we fail to be in the present moment.

My client, let’s call him Hamid, was looking for a job and did not have much luck for longer than 5 months. After his morning routine, Hamid would usually go to a coffee shop and search online until late afternoon. For the last three weeks, Hamid was getting more and more agitated and worried about his jobless situation and was more and more fixated on the job search site and was aggressively sending out 100s of resumes a week!

During our session, I asked Hamid: “how often do you stay in the present moment? How many times a day are you fully aware of your own emotions, bodily sensations, and your surroundings?”

Hamid shared that he had been very worried lately. Therefore his mind most of the time was in the future … worrying about the future.

I suggested Hamid practice meditation for at least 15 minutes a day and also set an alarm 5-7 times a day to check in if he is in the present moment or elsewhere.

Fast forward, after 3 weeks of meditation, Hamid met his classmate Glenn, who offered him a job as a Junior Designer…

The funny part in this story is that Glenn was coming to the same coffee shop as Hamid, but because neither of them lived in the present moment, they failed to notice each other’s presence.

After practicing regular meditations, Hamid has become more aware of his surroundings and was able to recognize Glenn at the coffee shop.

We wish for things, and we pray for things to come to our lives, but when they do arrive - we are NOT PRESENT TO recognize and enjoy them. The generous Universe or God always wants to give us what we ask for, but we are not seeing the generous PRESENT/ GIFT from GOD, because most of the time we are either in the past or in the future in our thoughts …so our present goes to someone else, someone who is able to be present, to recognize it and to receive it.

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